Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp – Navassa Superfund Site, Navassa, North Carolina

Transforming Today’s Environmental Challenges into Tomorrow’s Opportunities


Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC — trustee of the Multistate Environmental Response Trust — owns most of and is responsible for remediating the approximately 100-acre Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp – Navassa Superfund Site in Navassa, NC.

The Multistate Environmental Response Trust (Multistate Trust) is also responsible for facilitating the sale or transfer of the ±154-acre Multistate Trust Property, which includes most of the Superfund site. The Multistate Trust Property is part of the ±246 acres that Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp formerly owned.

The Multistate Trust is a private, independent trust created as part of a bankruptcy settlement and dedicated to a multifaceted mission in Navassa:

  • Protecting human health and the environment (more information)

  • Facilitating the safe, beneficial, community-supported reuse of the Multistate Trust Property (more information)

  • Providing opportunities for meaningful community involvement (more information)



Excavation Work at OU2

Remediation work in Operable Unit 2 (OU2) began in March 2024, and excavation work continued through summer 2024. The Multistate Trust and its contractors removed surface soils in OU2 with contamination higher than residential and ecological cleanup levels. See the updated OU2 Remedial Action Fact Sheet.

Community Meeting - March 2025

The Multistate Trust cohosted a community meeting and drop-in session on March 4 to provide updates about work in Operable Unit 2 and Operable Unit 4, as well as redevelopment planning.

October 2024 Community Meeting

The Multistate Trust, together with EPA and NCDEQ, hosted a community meeting and drop-in session October 29 to share information and updates about work in Operable Unit 2, redevelopment planning, and more.

PROPERTY FOR SALE: Road Access and Potential Rail,
River Access

We invite you to submit a bid to purchase ±87 acres of undeveloped property located on the Brunswick River in Navassa, North Carolina. The Multistate Trust-owned property is an idyllic wooded property, situated just 7.5 miles from the Port of Wilmington, 10 miles from Wilmington International Airport, and 3 miles from the new Interstate Highway 140 interchange. Located in a Qualified Opportunity Zone, it is one of the largest properties available for sale and development near Wilmington. With highway, surface road, and the potential for rail and river access, the property offers a unique opportunity for commercial, light industrial, recreational, and/or residential development in Brunswick County, one of the fastest growing counties in the United States. 

Read more and find our Notice of Invitation to Bid here.


What’s Happening at the Site?

Site clearing, March 2024

Multistate Trust contractors cleared the Site in preparation for excavation activities.

  • Remedial work in Operable Unit 2 (OU2) began in early 2024. The Multistate Trust excavated surface soils in OU2 with contamination higher than residential and ecological cleanup levels. See the OU2 Remedial Action Fact Sheet here.

  • EPA released the Record of Decision (ROD) for OU2 in September 2022.

  • The Multistate Trust is marketing a portion of the property. See the Notice of Invitation to Bid.

  • The Multistate Trust has been investigating the Superfund site contamination under EPA oversight and in consultation with the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ).

Contact Us

Ngozi Ibe, Multistate Trust, at or (919) 695-9582
Claire Woods, Multistate Trust, at or (910) 765-7237


Watch our video about the Multistate Trust Property In Navassa, NC.



A Brief Overview

The Multistate Trust Property — outlined in green in the map inset at lower right — includes most of the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp–Navassa Superfund Site.

The Multistate Trust Property — outlined in green in the map inset at lower right — includes most of the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp–Navassa Superfund Site.

The Multistate Trust owns approximately 154 acres located on the east side of Navassa Road. The Multistate Trust Property (the Property) is bounded on the north by Quality Drive, on the east by the Eastern Marsh on the Brunswick River, and on the south by the Southern Marsh on Sturgeon Creek. The Property includes most of the Superfund site. The Property is part of the approximately 246-acre former Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp Property.

The site was used for creosote-based wood treating from 1936 to 1974. By 1980, then-owner Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation dismantled the wood-treatment buildings and facilities.

The surface soil, subsurface soil, marsh sediment, and groundwater are contaminated by creosote-related chemicals. Site contamination does not currently threaten people living or working near the site in this Environmental Justice community. In 2010, contamination in groundwater, soils, and sediments led the EPA to add the site to the National Priorities List of federal Superfund sites.

In 2005, the site was conveyed to Tronox, a Kerr-McGee spinoff that filed for bankruptcy protection in 2009. In 2011, the Multistate Trust acquired approximately 152 acres, which includes most of the Superfund site, as part of the global Tronox bankruptcy settlement. The Multistate Trust’s 2016 purchase of an additional 2 acres to facilitate remediation brought its total acreage to 154.

The Multistate Trust is authorized to perform environmental actions, manage the Superfund site, and sell or transfer the Multistate Trust Property.

The Multistate Trust is a private, environmental response trust with the purpose of protecting human health and the environment. In Navassa, the Multistate Trust is working on the site investigation, remediation, and redevelopment planning in collaboration with its beneficiaries for the site, as well as community members and other stakeholders.

The beneficiaries are the United States, represented by EPA and the U.S. Department of Justice; the State of North Carolina, represented by NCDEQ; and the Navassa Trustee Council, which consists of representatives from NCDEQ, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, Inc. (Greenfield) is the sole member of Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC. Visit